The Body as an Energy System
As human beings, we have fooled ourselves into believing that most of who and what we are lies in the appearance and functioning of the physical body. Especially in golf, we spend much of our time and energy focusing on the “physicality” of the sport by trying to control conditions and outcomes through form, mechanics and technique.
By focusing almost exclusively on the external, we ignore the first cause of any golf shot – our thoughts, emotions and beliefs. We quickly become unaware of the unfathomable power that is the essence of who we really are.
In reality, we all have an awesome and infinite power inside of us which is patiently waiting to express itself through us in every moment in time. The key is to learn to tap into this indomitable energy and transmute its power into our golf games or any aspect of our lives.
The energy system of the mind/body and the power of thought can no longer be ignored or underestimated in the field of human potentiality.
Every story we tell ourselves long enough – whether we are aware of it or not – eventually becomes true. Wanted or unwanted, we create and manifest whatever we focus upon in our lives. We then begin to trust and see that everything on the outside, including great golf, falls effortlessly into place.